Monday, March 26, 2012

Mad Men + Weekend

I'm lucky to have an unconventional weekend.  Instead of battling with crowds of shoppers and diners who have Saturday and Sunday off, I have Sunday and Monday to roam the city, run errands and recharge my fem-bot batteries.  This weekend was no exception.

After a week of bare legs and tank tops, the weather once again reminded us that it is, in fact, March.  As wonderful as a warm breeze and sunshine can be, I relish the cool spring air and took great delight in starting my Sunday with a chilly walk along the harbor with David.  Along the way, we stopped at Flour in the Seaport for delicious sandwiches that we ate with cold fingers as we walked. 

Just like everyone else, David and I settled in last night for an evening of television.  With a tumbler of Jameson in hand we cozied up for the two-hour Season 5 premier of Mad Men.  Reading the reviews today makes me feel as though the episode was perceived as being on par with the second coming of Christ, but I have to say that it left me a little underwhelmed.  Though I'm thrilled it's back and can't wait to see how the rest of the season plays out and am fully aware that it's difficult to pack a lot of character development into a two-hour time-slot, I've compiled a few notes about the episode and why it made me go Meh
  •  I don't like Don Draper when he's happy.  I know he's still slightly moody and twisted, but his killer instinct seems to be gone and I just can't stand for that.  A man like Don lives for his work and no woman- no matter how young and beautiful- can keep him distracted from his job for the 15 months (or however long it's been) since we last saw him.  Back to work, Don!  I want you to WOW us again.
  • Megan is a poor-man's T-Mobile girl.  No one who sleeps with the boss, marries the boss and then gets promoted to their "dream job" is allowed to be that naive about the cynical underbelly of their chosen profession.  I can't wait for her to quit her job, get pregnant, and for Don to start resenting her as he focuses all his emotional energy back where it belongs, on his work.  
  • I cared for the painfully awkward phone conversation between Lane and the lingerie-clad hussy about as much as Don cared for Megan's silly song-and-dance number. 
  • Across the board, the characters seemed to have lost some depth and briefly become caricatures.  For example: Joan's mom = bitch, Trudy = tired housewife in an ugly house coat, Peter = petulant and whiny career hungry account manager, Harry = sleazeball, Roger = handsome sleazeball, and Lane Pryce = secret (& British) sleazeball.  Barring Joan and Peggy, I really didn't feel as if anyone had a genuinely dynamic emotional storyline.  Though I found it to be a little one-note, I must say the characters sang their single note relatively well (especially Megan, ughhhhh) and I have high hopes that they'll regain their depth as the season goes on. 
And so concludes my first (and maybe last) television review.  Did you watch last night's episode?  If so, what did  you think?  Like me, are you dying to see what Betty's up to?

p.s. I mailed my UK visa application today.  Eeeek!

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