Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Burns Supper in Boston

On Saturday night, our friend Janeen hosted the 2nd Annual Burns Supper in Boston.  David (and a few others) wore the traditional dress, but most of us made do with whatever plaid we had lying around and used the occasion as yet another excuse to drink Scotch and mingle with friends.  David, being a co-founder of the event as well as the most Scottish person among our friends, gave the Address To A Haggis* in a v. convincing Scottish accent.  None of us really knew what he was talking about, but it sounded convincing and he looked damn good doing it.

Many thanks to everyone who came out to the party and an enormous thank you to the lovely Janeen who opened her home to a whole bunch of kilt-wearing weirdos for the night!  Xoxo one and all! 

*Yes, many people enjoyed the haggis.  No, I was not one of them.

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