Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Whilst working on some linocut prints on Saturday night, David made this.  He took a paper cut-out I'd made of the Minneapolis skyline, rolled some ink over it, and then scribbled a park in the foreground and some windows on the buildings behind.  It may not be geographically accurate, but it sure does make me smile.  I think I'm going to write a story to go with it.

Please know, dear reader, that I left the house today and 'hung out' in town and all the while made a concerted effort to suppress my bitch face.  It was fine, or whatever.  Perhaps I'll go out again tomorrow.  Who knows!

And speaking of Minneapolis, I have another TWV coming your way tomorrow from that part of the world.  It shall be very, very exciting!


  1. I want a copy of this. You and David can both sign it, because it was your print and his drawing. I love it!

  2. I want a copy of this. You and David can both sign it, because it was your print and his drawing. I love it!
