Tuesday, October 30
Sitting in Restaurants & Losing Track of Time Edition
The morning started as any other, slowly.
The Redcoat and I tip-toed around the apartment drinking coffee and reading reports from the storm with our eyes wide and our mouths hanging open as we waited for my parents to get up. Around 9:30 I realized Oh, it's Tuesday! and fetched my camera.
The Redcoat and I tip-toed around the apartment drinking coffee and reading reports from the storm with our eyes wide and our mouths hanging open as we waited for my parents to get up. Around 9:30 I realized Oh, it's Tuesday! and fetched my camera.
This is what my boots look like after our long and muddy walk through the Cotswolds on Sunday.
Mid-morning came and went. I continued to scroll through the news as I finished some work.
Around noon I had a small bite to eat and prepared to leave for a day of playing the tour guide and eating a lot. So so so much eating. And drinking, too.
I haven't been using it as much as I ought to these days, but I still never go anywhere without my pen.
After walking through Hobbit Town, which my parents loved, of course, we stopped in a restaurant for a proper midday meal.
Mum and Dad came here with the opinion that English food is terribleterribleterrible and thought they'd likely starve for most of the trip. They're happy to report, however, that they've actually loveloveloved the food in the UK and are dining like foreign dignitaries.
(If there's one thing I can consistently deliver on, it's finding a good meal.)
The Redcoat and I left my parents to an evening of solo exploration and hopped on a train to London to meet some friends visiting from California.
We met them at the St. Martin's Lane Hotel. Owned by the Morgans Hotel Group, the bar consistently delivers on both style and quality cocktails. We like that.
Somewhere around this time, I think I lose an hour, but bear with me...
Our friends, who are lovely, admitted that they hadn't eaten well since arriving in London. They found the food mediocre and the restaurants unwelcoming. David and I were appalled and decided to save them from another terrible meal by making a last-minute reservation for the four of us at St. John, a restaurant where I would happily dine every day for the rest of my life.
Our friends, who are lovely, admitted that they hadn't eaten well since arriving in London. They found the food mediocre and the restaurants unwelcoming. David and I were appalled and decided to save them from another terrible meal by making a last-minute reservation for the four of us at St. John, a restaurant where I would happily dine every day for the rest of my life.
I get a little self-conscious whipping my camera out at dinners with people I've only just met, so I escaped to the bathroom for this shot. I look vacant and terrible, but whatever.
My necklace and my camera strap are BFF.
After a stunning dinner, David and I took our friends to the St. Pancras Hotel.
Perhaps you remember the stunning tequila drink I once had at the Booking Office?
Well, I asked the bartender to re-create it. This was the first attempt.
And this was the second. It was quite delicious but not as exemplary as the cocktail on my previous visit.
Like I said, we lost an hour somewhere, but I know for certain that I took this picture at 22:00.
After a night of much laughter, David and I made our way home where we promptly went to sleep after an ever-so-brief visit with my parents.
Happy Halloween, friends! And, as always, thank you for reading!
Happy Halloween, friends! And, as always, thank you for reading!